Please see the IHM Church Bulletin for Holy Day Mass schedule for: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Easter Sunday, Ascension of the Lord, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, All Saints’ Day, The Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas
Mondays and Wednesdays: 7:15 AM until 9:00 PM
Tuesdays, and Thursdays: 7:10 AM until 1:00 PM
Fridays: 7:15 AM until 8:00 PM
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Mondays after 9:00 AM Mass
Rosary and Adoration with Confession:
Mondays 7:30 PM in the Church
Mondays through Fridays after 9:00 AM Mass,
Saturdays and Holy Days after 8:30 AM Mass.
Divine Mercy Chaplet: Fridays after 9:00 AM Mass
This year the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception will be transferred to the Monday since Sunday is Advent and it will be a Holy Day of Obligation Monday, December 9th.
The Mass Schedule is as follow:
Monday, December 9th
6:45AM, 9:00AM,
12:30PM, 5:30PM & 7:30PM
A daily Mass, the Saturday 5:30 pm Vigil Mass and the Sunday 10:30 pm Mass are live-streamed. Special Liturgies and requests for special Masses may also be live-streamed.
For any who have sensitivities to Gluten, know that Low Gluten hosts (containing less than 0.002% gluten, <20ppm, fully in accord with Church Canon Law) are available for receiving our Lord in Holy Communion. For those unable to have any gluten, we are happy to offer Holy Communion from a separate Chalice. Please speak with a priest before Mass.
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