Operation Cornerstone was started over 15 years ago by a group of IHM mothers who had children in the military who were deployed overseas during Christmastime. At least once a year before Thanksgiving, Operation Cornerstone collects food items, toiletries, sundries, and letters of support to send to our soldiers who are serving overseas and are not home for the holidays. We partner with United For The Troops, who pick up the donations from IHM, package them, and mail the packages to the troops. Any monetary donations to help defray the cost of mailing the packages are appreciated and can be left at the rectory and designated for Operation Cornerstone.
A list of suggested donations is announced in the IHM Church Bulletin a few weeks before a collection and is also added to the IHM website.
If you know of a family member or friend who is serving in the military overseas during the holidays and would like to receive a package, please call the Rectory.
Meeting dates and times will be announced in the Bulletin before a collection and when sorting is needed.
Please use the form below if you have any questions or would like to be involved.
Coordinator: Debbie Bracken. If you any have questions, please use the simple form below to send an email to Debbie, or call her at 914-874-4892.